Inspiration can come from anywhere, and usually does. Watching a project start from something small and seemingly insignificant, into something larger than expected is hard to describe. Sometimes projects take on a life all their own, once you begin the work. I'm always looking for new perspectives and techniques to enhance a design or project, something from today or from years ago. We creative types keep a treasure trove of source files, materials, textures, fonts and assorted assets to be used at just the right occasion. Just don't ask us when.
Mixes are now available on MixCloud. These are about the only proof I have from a past life, besides a garage full of records. This is before everyone had a cell-phone, before pre-recorded sets were even a thing and when everyone could dance on the "dance-floor".
Hi-res versions are also available for download (free of charge). Please remember to wear your dance pants responsibly and mind the speed limit while driving. Thanks for listening.
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